ghoomane vaalee tej roshanee example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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Transliterated examples :
1. "The cosmographer Juan López de Velasco describes India in 1574 and historiador Antonio Herrera y Tordesillas in 1601-1615 did not grant an insignificant spot in the march of the American Empire 2. ) It does not appear appearance of sense (Delecluze, Newspaper, 1827, p title of Genius of Christianity that I found on the spot inspired me 3. It is more usual spot 4. 17 in our interest that the hymen claimed Repairs on the spot it lost honor 5. a real blind spotGiven are the examples of hindi word ghoomane vaalee tej roshanee usage in english sentences. The examples of ghoomane vaalee tej roshanee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., spotlight, spot.
The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth Spotlight shines on Historian, who is sitting at a table down right, on which is a movie projector.
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